Those utility tabs on the left of your screen are useful. I'll just give you a quick breakdown of what they do:
One more thing: every time you start the program, you appear at your "home." By default, "home" is at Ground Zero of AW Gateway. If you would like to change your home, find a new place you like better, then select Teleport-->Make This My Home. I've mentioned tourists and citizens a few times in this tutorial. So what's the difference? Citizens have paid AWCom Inc. a registration fee, and as a result get more privileges. The biggest difference is this: everybody can build things, citizen or tourist. But anyone can delete a building created by a tourist. Citizen property is sacrosanct -- no one can delete it except the original creator. If you are building things as a tourist, be cautious who you invite over to see it. Even other tourists can delete your buildings. Citizens get telegram/contact privileges, which tourists don't. Telegrams are a sort of instant message that works over long distances -- you don't need to be near the person in order to talk. This is very helpful. Lastly, citizens have reserved names. Nobody can take your name when you're a citizen, whereas tourist names are up for grabs as soon as you log off. And the cost for all these perks? $20 for one year. AWCom accepts all major credit cards, and will take checks or money orders also. Nobody will force you to register as a citizen -- you can remain a tourist forever, if you'd like. Sometimes citizenships are offered as prizes in contests, particularly building contests. |