Those utility tabs on the left of your screen are useful. I'll just give you a quick breakdown of what they do: The Worlds tab shows a list of all the worlds that are currently online. Worlds with red dots by them are private (closed to the public) and worlds with a green dot are open. The number of people currently in each world is listed. You can teleport to a world by clicking on it. You can safely ignore the Contacts tab. What it does is let you keep a "buddy" list of other users. You can send "telegrams" to those users, effectively letting you chat with people who are not nearby, or even in totally different worlds. BUT . . . it only works for citizens, not tourists. The Telegrams tab is where incoming telegrams are stored. Surprise, surprise. This tab is restricted to citizens -- it doesn't do anything for tourists. The Teleports tab is probably the most useful of all of them. It is like a bookmark list of places you want to go back to. When you find a nice place, click the Teleport menu and select "Remember." A box will pop up where you can type a name or description of the place. Click okay, and then that place will be listed here. Click a listing, and you'll be teleported there. It saves you having to memorize loads of coordinates. The Help tab displays online help for various aspects of AW. Basically, it's the manual. You'll need to have the Web Browser open, because the help files are HTML documents that get displayed there. One more thing: every time you start the program, you appear at your "home." By default, "home" is at Ground Zero of AW Gateway. If you would like to change your home, find a new place you like better, then select Teleport-->Make This My Home. I've mentioned tourists and citizens a few times in this tutorial. So what's the difference? Citizens have paid AWCom Inc. a registration fee, and as a result get more privileges. The biggest difference is this: everybody can build things, citizen or tourist. But anyone can delete a building created by a tourist. Citizen property is sacrosanct -- no one can delete it except the original creator. If you are building things as a tourist, be cautious who you invite over to see it. Even other tourists can delete your buildings. Citizens get telegram/contact privileges, which tourists don't. Telegrams are a sort of instant message that works over long distances -- you don't need to be near the person in order to talk. This is very helpful. Lastly, citizens have reserved names. Nobody can take your name when you're a citizen, whereas tourist names are up for grabs as soon as you log off. And the cost for all these perks? $20 for one year. AWCom accepts all major credit cards, and will take checks or money orders also. Nobody will force you to register as a citizen -- you can remain a tourist forever, if you'd like. Sometimes citizenships are offered as prizes in contests, particularly building contests. |